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CLASSIC Case Study

Accelerating patient recruitment in the CLASSIC study

CLASSIC was a portfolio of studies seeking to improve the management of older patients with long-term conditions. In 2021, approximately, 36,000 of the 270,800 people living in Salford were aged 65 years and older and 22.8% of the population was living with long-term illness. 

A large cohort of older patients was needed to make the ambitious CLASSIC study a reality. The study team needed to identify and invite more than 10,000 patients in the initial stages, a mammoth task. To add another layer of complexity, the cohort needed to be assembled quickly through an efficient and standardised process.

NWEH’s Feasibility Assessment and Recruitment tool FARSITE was used to recruit 4,300 patients and send 10,000 patient communications. FARSITE facilitated patient invitation and recruitment at scale in a single step, while reducing the administrative burden on GPs. The study cohort was also used to recruit patients who were eligible for further trials.

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